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On November 20, 2015, Youville Centre celebrated National Child Day!

Since 1993, this special day has been celebrated across Canada “to commemorate the United Nations’ adoption of two documents centered on children’s rights: the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the ChildExternal Link on November 20, 1959, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the ChildExternal Link on November 20, 1989″(Wikipedia).

The major themes honoured and celebrated on National Child Day are:

  • That all children are treated with dignity and respect
  • That all children should have the opportunity to have a voice
  • That all children should be protected from harm
  • That all children should be provided with their basic needs and
  • That all children have the right to every opportunity to reach their full potential.

At Youville Centre, we celebrate National Child Day to celebrate and appreciate the children we serve, and to see them as active participants who can and should meaningfully contribute to decisions in their own lives, and in their communities.


To celebrate, our Registered Early Childhood Educators created artwork to line the stairs that our young moms climb each day at the centre. Each child was represented, and their rights were respected and celebrated.

We hope you enjoy the photos and messages!

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